The Importance of a Pest Inspection During Home Inspections

There’s so much to think about when buying a home. Finding a home that suits your family’s needs and size, getting the location right, financing, timing, and, of course, having an inspection of the property and structure. 

A qualified and professional home inspector will visually examine the main components of the home and property including the roof, main living structure, foundation, electrical, plumbing, HVAC, windows, and siding. Also, special conditions will be noted such as mold and mildew, leaks, and signs of pest infestations. 

During the inspection and after the comprehensive examination, the inspector will generally talk to the home buyers about the major findings as well as create a written report that details the home’s condition, assessing necessary or recommended repairs, maintenance concerns, and any other potentially costly issues. 

At Clark Hill Inspections, we offer not only a comprehensive home inspection of major components of your future home but also a termite inspection. This is important for several reasons. 

Prevent Pest Damage

Pests may seem like a mere nuisance to some homeowners, but the reality is that pests can do some real damage including spreading disease, damaging wood structures, and creating malodorous messes caused by their excrement. 

One of the goals of an inspection, which includes visually examining a home for issues and pests, is to prevent any damage that could be caused by these pesky creatures. Whether it is a family of mice, a few rats, a colony of termites, or other wildlife that have found a way into your potential home, hazards are created by living in and around nesting areas. 

Inspections can identify these issues and allow the homeowner to schedule treatments to prevent any further damage. 

Uncover Hidden Pest Issues 

Not all pests or pest infestations are visually obvious. Having a professional inspector who is knowledgeable about the common signs of pests such as termites, rodents, and wildlife is critical to uncovering a pest issue. 

If you know what to look for pests can leave some common signs that they are present in a home or were present.  In the case of termites, inspectors look for termite tubes, wings from termite swarmers, and frass from the tuning of wood. 

Rodents often leave gnaw marks, grease marks, nesting material, and excrement in the area they frequent. Wildlife like raccoons also leave markings such as scratches, nesting material, and excrement. 

A professional inspector will know the signs and how to identify hidden cases of pests in a home you are considering buying. 

Avoid Future Surprises 

No one wants to move into a home only to find that the support beams in the basement have been damaged by termites. The hassle and cost of the repairs could be exorbitant. 

By hiring a professional home inspector, who can also identify pest damage and infestations, you can avoid these surprises that pop up in the months and years after purchasing a home. 

Talk to our team at Clark Hill Inspections about your concerns regarding pests and wood-destroying organisms and we will help you understand your options. 
